Thursday, September 14, 2006
posted by Chi-Chi at 9/14/2006 | Permalink
Condi Rice got a man!
Usually I keep this blog strictly for entertainment news but when I came across this tidbit, I had to post this on here. Condi Rice is rumored to be dating Peter MacKay! I haven't seen Condi with any man since...well...she became famous. Here's hoping this is true...she deserves a man on her level to keep her company!
"....But it took a two-hour flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia, this week, followed by a 90-minute motorcade north up Canadian Route 102 to Pictou County, for Dr Rice to find herself linked to someone with similar star appeal: Peter MacKay of Canada, the single, attractive Foreign Minister, routinely named Canada's sexiest MP by The Hill Times in Ottawa.
Tall, athletic, blond and recently dumped by his girlfriend — a fellow MP, Belinda Stronach, who parted with him when she switched parties — Mr MacKay does not look like your usual foreign minister..."
maybe she'll quit blowing W