Thursday, December 21, 2006
posted by Chi-Chi at 12/21/2006 | Permalink
Foxy Brown is mad at media for only focusing on her misdemeanours and NOT her good side.
Foxy Brown wants the media to start focusing on her good side and not her bad. This is something Naomi would attempt to do herself. At least Foxy is pointing this out while Naomi is just being a complete fool about her situation. Anyhow I get where Foxy's coming from. Each time she's in the news they report on some crazy misdemeanour charges she supposedly ran up again. "Hip-hop star FOXY BROWN is furious the media only reports her misdemeanours and ignores all of the good things she does. The rapper, real name INGA MARCHAND, recently made headlines for assaulting two women at a nail salon in New York City. She explains, "You never read about the wonderful things I'm doing. How I pick up groceries for an old lady. "I adopted two crack babies. They say I'm the worst thing in (shoe designer Christian) Louboutins!" {Source}
Foxy just come out more with Tyson Beckford your man and the media would get off your back