Saturday, December 09, 2006
posted by Chi-Chi at 12/09/2006 | Permalink
J-Hud retracts her anti-gay statements
By now you all probably heard Jennifer Hudson's take on gays. Well she retracted her statement via her myspace profile. Oh she's so fresh in the industry it hurts, lol! J-Hud needs to realize as much as she has opinions people will have opinions based upon her opinions just because she's well-known. "When Jennifer Hudson recently sat down with a Dallas Voice reporter, she revealed that she has troubles reconciling her religious beliefs with her new found gay fanbase."Everybody sins," she explained when asked where she stands on the issue of same sex marriage.
Now the American Idol songstress is backpeddling in her latest MySpace blog entry:
'It should be a happy day because I heard that the National Board of Review picked me as one of the BreakThru Actresses of the Year. What an honor. I was so thrilled when I heard. But it turned into a sad day and I can't understand why or how this happened. When you are up, people try to tear you down. Some paper is saying that I have a problem with gay people. Its just mean and wrong. My feelings are so hurt and I can't sleep. Anybody that knows me, knows that just ain't true. Its makes me so mad that people can twist your words and say anything they want. And, there's nothing I can do about it, except to say, please don't believe everything you read." {faded youth} J-Hud needs to pull a Beyonce and keep positive on anything and everything.