Halle opened up about her relationship with Calvin Klein model Gabriel who she has a 9-month-old daugher Nahla with to Essence magazine (March 2009/ Hollywood Special Edition).

On dating a White man: “I tried Black men. I tried,” she wails in a mock southern accent. “I married two Black men. You know I tried.” She laughs again before making clear that “I don’t hold all Black males responsible because of the two bad eggs I got. I even dated Black men after my last divorce, but this is just where I found love.”
On her longevity in Hollywood: “Setbacks energize me. They make me realize that I have more work to do.”
On being a mom: “I thought I knew love before, but I never knew anything like this.”
On going bald for a role: “I am shaving it off,” she says. “I know. Here comes the controversy, but I have to do it for the role and it will grow back - I hope.”
Essence magazine recently announce plans to host a luncheon honoring Halle and Taraji during Oscar Week 2009. (Congrats!) Click here for details.
Labels: Halle Berry, Newsstand Snapshots, Out and About, Romance Hoopla, Taraji P. Henson

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It's not just poor rates of effectiveness that make weight loss a complicated subject. Trying to get rid of fat can also be dangerous. This problem is greater with extreme diets that promise to take off a lot of weight very quickly. These diets can encourage loss of muscle instead of fat. They also increase the risk of heart disease, a slowed metabolism, and other health
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essential muscle, water, and even bone, as well as fat, is the wrong approach. Losing the fat and keeping the all important lean body mass (LBM), is the goal, and the method for achieving that can be found in my ebook(s) on the topic, and is beyond the scope of this article. Bottom line: the type of exercise, intensity of that exercise, length of time doing that
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Taking into account the aforementioned points, it is unfortunate to note that there are actually some weight loss programs that in an attempt to show prompt results incorporate the use of diuretics to give the illusion of weight loss. Diuretics, both drugs and diuretic
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after seeing that video, I LOVE HALLE even more, she has a good head on her!
- ALOT TALKS about the ANGELA DAVIS MOVIE!! im excited to see how that goes.
on concreteloop they say BEYONCE wants to play it, and now HALLE wants to play it. idk..they should pick a new over the top actress to play it.
wat u think?