Miss Chi Chi: According to your manager, you're in L.A. What projects do you have lined up?
Bootz: I'm under contract so I can't talk about that. I do have a calendar coming out soon. The calender is named after myself - Larissa Aurora.
Miss Chi Chi: On "Flavor of Love 2", you mentioned how you didn't sleep with Flav but on the wrap-up show you said you broke the celibacy you had for nine years. Do you feel like you contradicted yourself?
Bootz: No, I decided not to be celibate with someone I know for years. [For example Flavor Flav was] ready to have sex with everyone. I just met him for a week and the way Flav was coming off [to me] wasn't cool.
Reunion recap clip:
Miss Chi Chi: How do you feel about New York's recent boob job?
Bootz: (laughs)
Miss Chi Chi: New York attended the VH1 Big in 06 awards showing off a whole new body. What's your take on that?
Bootz: I think she's ridiculous. I think she shouldn't have gotten her breasts bigger. She's already a stick to begin with. So [New York] getting breast reduction-I mean getting them bigger is just a mistake. I feel like that she's going to fall over any minute. She just looks so crazy.
Miss Chi Chi: Going back to New York once again tell us how you feel about her during your horseback riding date from the show.
Bootz: On the horseback ride, I felt that New York was fake because she didn't even like Flav. So the last episode she stated the same thing I said she didn't want to have sex with Flav. So that's a contradiction [mocks New York] “I don't want to have sex with Flav.” To me, she was just copying me. I may have not won because of that but New York knew Flav really like the fact that I remain celibate and he liked the type of person I was. I think she really tried to do something that I was [doing].
Here's a clip from the horseback riding episode:

-Larissa with her cousin-
Miss Chi Chi: That's cool, Bootz. When was the last time you use your celebrity platform to launch some serious action? It could be touching upon someone's life or giving a shout out to a fan on MySpace. It could be anything.
Bootz: Every month I put a fan in my top Myspace friends list because I know they really appreciate that. I get a lot of good feedback about that.
Miss Chi Chi: 7.5 million viewers tune in to watch "Flavor of Love 2" every Sunday night for two months. Are you able to go out and do your day to day routines recognized/unrecognized?
Bootz: I have to admit that I never been on a number one show like this. My exposure from being on “Flavor of Love 2” is showing me that they really appreciate who I am.
Miss Chi Chi: Getting back to the show, would you agree to do your own TV show based off the success of "Flavor of Love 2?"
Bootz: Yes, I would love to do my own show.
Miss Chi Chi: Any advice you have for females wanting to break into the entertainment business?
Bootz: I have a couple for girls. They need to be careful for who they pick to manage their career because management can break or hurt you. Another advice I’ll give is to promote you and what you want out of this business. Also and most importantly, you have to just make sure people around you care. You have to be careful with simple stuff like pictures because with this business everyone you thought is a friend or you thought you knew changes.
Miss Chi Chi: Internet gossip sites criticize you for what you wore to the 2007 BET Hip Hop Awards. Is that dress a creation of your own? Is designing clothes something you ultimately ant to pursue in the future?
Bootz: I want to start out as a spokesperson for certain things then branch out. Actually what I wore to the BET Awards is something I pick up at the Guess store.

Miss Chi Chi: How has fame from being on "Flavor of Love 2" changed your life?
Bootz: With fame I learn the hard way, you get easily mobbed. I'm not used to that because “Flavor of Love 2” was my first TV break. Once the show aired, everywhere I go I realized I can't go out to the grocery store or the mall without being seen or noticed.
Miss Chi Chi: How would you describe yourself as?
Bootz: I think I am very aggressive. I don't like when people try to run over me. However, I'm a very loving female.
Miss Chi Chi: Let's get to know Larissa and Bootz. Walk us through a day in the life of Larissa and Bootz.
Bootz: Larissa is quiet and Bootz is rowdy. I watch movies a lot. I'm an outdoor person. When I go to the malls, I love to meet my fans. Meeting people like the fans is great and fun. My public persona Bootz is very rowdy unlike my actual nice self. On the show, Bootz is known for not being nice. So when I go to clubs, I act similar to Bootz. I try to be what they see on TV.
Miss Chi Chi: So do you feel as though Bootz is your alter ego?
Bootz: I do think Bootz is my alter ego. She's out there. As Larissa Aurora, I'm really shy and quiet.
Miss Chi Chi: Describe the craziest fan moment that stuck out to you or a moment that made you go WOW!
Bootz: There was this one time at night around the time of the first episode of “Flavor of Love 2” airs; a guy drives by as I walked down the street. I continue walking but then I noticed the car slowed down. That instant I knew one thing - the guy recognizes me. All the while, I' m wondering how he knows who am I because I had on a jacket and my back is to him. Then he does the oddest thing, he follow me to the gas station. There he asked me for a picture which I accepted to do for him. This moment was just the tip of the iceberg because I was still getting use to the fame from being on the show. I assumed getting recognized and being asked for pictures would happen towards when “Flavor of Love 2” picks the top 5 finalists. However, fans started noticing me right from second or third episode. That moment was crazy because I felt like I didn't make a big impression when I first was on the show.
Miss Chi Chi: Well that's all the questions I have for you. Any last thoughts you want to leave the readers with?
Bootz: I just want my fans to know that that’s really me out on MySpace. I don't like when people write to my fans as me because it could be disappointing what they say. So I just want my fans to know that I appreciate all their messages. Getting feedback from the fans is very big to me.
Miss Chi Chi: Thanks for the interview, Larissa!

-Larissa "Bootz" Aurora-
One thing I gather about her is that she's very humble about her success and she appreciate the love from her fans. Another thing I learn from the interview is that she wants to be called by her real name - Larissa and not by her stage name Bootz. Much love to Larissa and to her manager Garcia!
Visit Bootz on her official myspace page: myspace.com/larissabootz
Visit her on her official website: larissaurora.com