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Labels: Akon, Introducing, Music Hoopla, Nelly, Video Hoopla
At 10:51 PM,
At 6:17 PM,
I LUV TAMI CHYNN!!! i've been waiting soo long 2 c this video..and i must say im inpressed! Its so colorful and unique:) and stop wit all the rihanna comparisons!!! Madonna fine but rihanna? Tami had the short hair long b4 we no who is the real trend setter:) Big ups 2 our new CARRIBEAN QUEEN! lol
At 11:32 AM,
Nelly kinda fallin' by the wayside with the latest album primarily due to the beats. I dig this track but it's kinda boring after awhile. Maybe the Bobcat organization has taken him out of his element.
He and Ashanti should prolly get together and do an album. They might as well get married. I guess they were waiting on B and J.
A collab album with the two of them would be good.
At 5:18 PM,
I think the Nelly song will grow on me, I kind of like it.
I'm not so sure about Tami, she's a cute girl, but seems like a white Rihanna with a little Madonna thrown in. I don't know if there much to her other than her looks.